I Like Hawthorns
Littlehip haw - Crataegus spathulata May haw - Crataegus aestivalis Summer haw - Crataegus flava I have a special love of hawthorns ( Crataegus spp.) that I cannot trace back to any one instance or event in my life. It could be that my love of all things related to the ancient Celts had something to do with it. The Celts found magic in hawthorns. The folklore surrounding hawthorns is widespread. Other European cultures associated haws with May Flowers - Mary's Flowers - and they hung them on their doorways to bring good luck and to protect it from evil spirits. It may be that my love of this genus started to "blossom" in full after I moved south from my earlier life in the Midwest. Up north, there are just so many flowering trees in the rose/apple family to use in one's landscape and I've loved roses from early childhood. With my move to Florida, I soon discovered that the vast majority of roses that I was familiar with could not be grown here with a...