
Showing posts from August, 2021

There Is No "Right Time"

Southern crabapple - August 8 2021 Folks frequently comment to me about plants that bloom at the "wrong time", like there is such a thing.  There really isn't. Plants bloom when it is right to them - not us.  To be fair, most plants base this on a complex set of conditions and this leads to them blooming at a certain time of year.  It is evolutionarily important that they do.  Imagine the chaos that would be caused by having every flowering plant flowering at the same time.  The competition for pollinators would be overwhelming if they did. Then, the time gap between feast and famine for the pollinators would be too great to sustain them. The system would collapse.  As my mother used to recite regularly: 'to each their own".... Pollinators and their flowering plants have evolved a highly complex relationship that requires that some flowers attract some pollinating species more than others and others attract different pollinators. They also spread the wealth...