Winter is the Time to Plant
Ashe magnolia 2 Native azaleas 2 Native flame azaleas As a transplant from Wisconsin (albeit 35 years ago), I came to Florida with the notion that new plantings were made in the spring. After all, "April showers bring May flowers" - I learned that as a child and it was deeply ingrained in my gardening psyche. It works in the Upper Midwest where I spent all of my early life, but it doesn't work here in Florida. As a gardener, one must learn and adapt to where one lives. Spring is actually the very worst time to plant here. There really are no "April showers"; none in May either. These are often the two driest months of the year. It is not uncommon to see no appreciable rainfall over this two-month period and to make it worse, it often has temperatures near 90° F. What is spring in Wisconsin is the most brutal time to plant here in Florida. The soils are dry, the temperatures are hot and what little moisture exists in the soil is rapidly lost each day by evap...