Gum bully - Sideroxylon lanuginosa Events in my life lately have caused me to think about permanence. We go through life thinking we know what the next day, the next month, the next year and the future beyond that will look like, but the reality is that we have no idea. It doesn't take much to upend our plans. Then, we find that each day that does go forward as we think it will is a blessing to be treasured. Having plans is a wonderful thing. Having them actually happen is much more so. We do this in our landscapes. We plant with the belief that our plants will grow and that our landscapes will develop according to plan. Gardeners are some of the world's greatest optimists and without that optimism most of us would quit. Often, this optimism works in our favor, but occasionally it is heartbreaking - especially when a treasured addition that we look at as a lynchpin to our plantings fails. We find that, despite our best planting knowledge, forces outside our cont...