Sometimes It's Simple - And the Issue Is Perspective
I g ave a tour recently to a garden club at the USF Botanical Gardens which is always nice; speaking to folks who already love plants. Around us were a great many atala butterflies which were released here about 2 months ago as caterpillars by a Friend of the Gardens. One woman in the group was not familair with its host plant - Zamia integrifolia , Florida coontie and so I showed one to her - a plant across the path from this swarm of butterflies. It was clear from her look and her tepid response that she could not fathom why Florida coontie would be such a great plant to add to her landscape. Ours are getting ratty as they get consumed. The reason, of course is obvious as is the result of that herbivory. The Gardens now have hundreds of these butterflies. To me it seems an easy compromise. I firmly believe that if your plants are not being eaten by something, they are useless additions to your landscape. When we plant only for aesthetics, for what we see as beauty alone, we are mi...